Monday 15 September 2014

More updates: First day of school

Yes, it finally arrived! Today was the first day of school, an introductory session actually, but first day anyway. It was kind of overwhelming: we got free books, tons of papers and even a group assingment, but it was at the same time reassuring. On my first day, I was having doubts, I guess that just like anyone else, and wondering if I would actually fit in, if I would like the program and if I would enjoy my time here. Today I learnt more about everything we are expected to do, and even though I will have to face some things that I won't enjoy (such as statistics) I think most of the contents will be fun. Specially the internships (hopefully) and the final dissertation. It was very comforting to know that one of the teachers in the degree is working in the comics and videogames industry, so she will be able to tutor my final project. There's plenty of time left to get to it, I will have to work on it during the summer, but it really helped to know that I would be able to work on what I'm most interested in :)
What really helps a lot is being social. I don't know if I told you, but in my dorms there is another Spanish girl, Lara, who is also studying the same Masters as me, so we are in the same class. It's helpful because we don't carry this "Spanish-only" attitude, (if you know me any well you'd know that's not my thing) and we get along well with many people from everywhere, but it's good to have some support.
Then there are a lot of other people from different places: Scotland, USA, England, Germany, Brazil... so we are a very multicultural gang. We've been out to a pub two evenings in a row, and as scary as it might be regarding the economic situation, it's just the beginning. I don't think this will carry on for very long, but now we are just starting, getting to know each other and ourselves around. When everything starts getting busy, then I guess we will hang out rather indoors than outdoors. Which will also be fun for sure.
Most of the fears and doubt are gone. It felt very good to talk to other people about this, and see that you are not the only one in this situation. Lyndsay, a Scottish girl living in my dorms, and I were talking about this today and yesterday evening. We are very proud of ourselves for overcoming these tough first days, starting to see some light and move forward. We'll keep on that :)

So that's all for now. I'm trying to be efficient (it's so hard to find an exact translation for the Icelandic word "dugleg"...) by keeping you updated everyday, so please be also efficient by reading my words! :)

Thank you for your attention.

Kv. Paula.


  1. Þú verður bara að fara að skrifa þetta á íslensku í staðinn, svo að þú getir skrifað dugleg :D

  2. Dugleg stelpa min! I keep dugleg as well! Me gusta!

  3. Hope you have bought an agenda, you know... Miss you already

  4. ´Living in the love of the common people´ the song said :)

  5. Curious and multicultural girls...Yes we are :D!!
