Tuesday 3 March 2015

Let it snow, let it snow...LET IT SNOOOOOOOOOW!!!!

Definetely, I'm made for the cold weather.
Yes, I went to Morocco last week for a few days, and I loved the sun. And yes, I love a good suntan. And yes, I like warm weather at home. But, oh boy, I love cold. I think I only like it when I know there's gonna be summer afterwards, eventually. Also, I cope with cold better than I do with hot weather. Warmth can drive me crazy and make me irascible (more than normal...). I love snuggling up in cold days and try to feel warm... although my feet and hands are always cold (You know what they say: "cold hands...warm heart!") and other people normally don't like that. Weirdos...
Oh, well, when I chose Iceland as my ERASMUS I did it because of the climate (among other reasons). Then I realised that it was a bit too much. First year was fine, after that it became a bit harder to deal with, but I'll talk about this in a later post.

Last few weeks, I was feeling down for how quickly this year is passing by (MARCH ALREADY, WHAT THE HELL!!!) and I hadn't had a proper winter... but it's finally here! It's snowing in Scotland! Well, it had snowed before, but it was not as much as this. And this is not much. It's not much even for Spain (it doesn't snow very often in Madrid/Talavera, but when it does... it does snow heavily). But of course, this is nothing compared to Iceland. Surprisingly, I was SO EXCITED to see the snow. WHY?? I don't know. But it was beautiful! And I felt so conforted for some reason I don't know...  I guess I just feel comfortable in colder weather. Also, I might find it stressful to see that good weather is approaching, which means summer, which means END OF THE SEMESTER, etc, etc. I definetely have to get over the fact that this is going to end eventually!

But now, off with some pictures:

This is on the way out of the swimming pool. Jeanne was probably getting annoyed by me taking pictures like crazy: "you are like a Chinese! Haven't you ever seen snow?" Well... yeah, but it's been so long!

 Look at the sign, I can't even read through the snow! It's really impresive considering it's Scotland... I guess :p 

 There's a loch at the end of that path. It's my favourite view in the whole campus, and it looks extra beautiful now with all the snow around.
 Well, this is also a very nice view, also in sunny days. I'll show pictures of the same place in a good day, some time. Look at all that lights on in the library, people were probably stuck in there just so they wouldn't deal with the "snow-storm". 

And this is apparently Narnia. I would say that it's Winterfell, but I've found out that not many people would get that reference. WHO DOESN'T WATCH GAME OF THRONES? What the... 

But I'll show you how it feels like in Iceland. I insist, I don't really miss ICELANDIC WINTER, because it's eeeeeeeeendless. But I missed winter, and I missed the snow.

So these are the stairs to the place I lived in my first year. Imagine getting home after a night out, wearing your fancy heels...and having to face this. I can tell you: NOT NICE. And of course, countless times I fell down those stairs because of the freaking snow. The most fun is when it snows, and then it rains, but not enough for the snow to go away. But it still melts, and then during the night it freezes... so it becomes ice. And the streets are covered in thick ice, for weeks. And you have to walk on that. I've probably fell many times when that happened, but I don't even want to remember! I hate being (cutely) clumsy :p

And this is REYKJAVÍK city centre. That's all of it, there's nothing else!
Nah, I'm joking. But just. And this is in a good day, with not a lot of snow. It can be worse (or better) than that.

 This is just a nice photo of me skiing in Bláfjöll which I wanted to show off. I also miss being able to go skiing some time. I might have been able to go skiing in Scotland, but not free time or budget for it... So I'll just be happy browsing through my pictures :p

And that's my rambling about the snow. Writing that word so many times now makes it sound weird. "Snow, snow, snow, snow".
Although, HEY, I haven't shown you my favourite kind of snow! :D

(In case you don't get it... his name is Jon Snow).

After all this thinking, I've reached the conclusion that even though I feel like I want to be a Lannister (in some ways) I'm just meant to be a Stark! Not bad anyway :p (Aaaaaaaaaand end of the references to Game of Thrones!).

We've played a match against Glasgow today. It was great, even though we lost. But I might write some more in a different post some other day. And also about Marrakech. TWO texts about that. So many things to write about, and so little time!

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