Monday 9 February 2015

Drama: mid-20's crisis

Some time ago, I read this article in Buzzfeed, and I decided to keep it so I could talk about it on my blog. I could so much relate to it when I found it.

And so yesterday I had a conversation about this with two lovely ladies I haven't talked about yet: Connie and Megan. As you can tell, I'm the eldest... but not by far, eh! Turning 25 is scary, I also remember when I was 21 in Iceland, and one of my friends (MAAAARAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!) turned 25. That seemed so far to me... and I would tease on her by reminding her that she was a quarter-a-century old, and that next year she would be closer to 30 than to 20.
Well, that's ME now. I can totally tell how she felt back at that time, 25 are terrible, and worst thing is that it feels like it's just getting worse.

Call me childish, but I can't accept the idea of getting older. I'm so much like Peter Pan, I don't want to grow up. I keep hanging out with people younger than me, and even if sometimes the drama overwhelms me (can't blame them, I'm a drama queen myself... I know) I also feel a bit younger, and like 25 is not that bad. Still young!
I must confess that being a full adult for two years while living in Iceland made me feel old, and I think that's what has messed up with me regarding time and age. It happened earlier than expected and I feel like I want those two years back. I guess it's better late than never!

But back to the buzzfeed article, I can't but agree in almost all of the points, but especially 3 and 5.

Once again, using some of my memories and regarding those two points in the article, when I finished my first year in uni I was so lost. First year was gone, still 4 more to go, and everything I had got used to and the people I had been living with would be back to their homes for the summer, wouldn't see them until few months later. Seems silly now, but I was very confused... so one of those people said: "Changes only make us stronger", and since then that quote has remained so close to me.
People keep asking me what I'm going to do when I graduate. The same happened when I graduated in Spain.
Well, you know... I HAVE NO IDEA. Mid-semester break is next week, but I feel like this second semester has just started. Where has January gone? I can't think what I'm going to do over the summer, when everyone is gone and only flatmates will stay here. I panick every time I'm asked that question, because I DON'T KNOW what I'll do, what'll happen.
I'm not a very organised person you see, but when it comes to "future plans"... I need to have something in mind. If it doesn't work out, that's fine, something else will come up, but I need an idea, a fictional plan. I have none (except possibly moving to Australia and living my dream, but...unlikely)
So here comes n.3: Keep stumbling. Stumbling is moving. Stumbling is going forward. Stumbling is living.

And that I'll do. I try not to worry, even if people pressure me asking what's next. OH well, we'll see what happens... can't decide what to do in two months if I'm not sure about tomorrow yet.

But also, stop asking.

And then n.5... so true.
This is not only for me or for mid-life crisis sufferers, this is for everyone.

You're stronger than you think.
You'll be okay.
Keep going.

There's no need to say anything else about that. Few words, too much meaning. So that's all.

So much BANTER, drama, sentimentality and cheesines in the blog today. But feeling like that lately. Feeling like that so much that I've started to listen to reggaeton and electro-latino as a routine. PLEASE, BRING ME MY ROCKING MUSIC TASTE BACK.

And thank you to all of you who daily try to cheer me up and hold me. Always remind me of these 5 points.
Also, remember them yourselves. They really are useful if you let them get to you.

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