Tuesday 21 July 2015

Internship in London: Day Three

Madre mía, madre mía, MADRE MÍA! What a great day. It was sunny and warm again! Which doesn't really help, actually. Being indoors all day seeing the nice weather outside frustrates me, because I'm able to enjoy it just a few more days but I can't! Then I'll be back to rainy Scotland and no more sun for little Paula.

I like this area so much, it's so lovely and cosy. Maybe because the weather is nice so the people are more active, and most probably if I came over during winter it would be as depressing as the North Pole, but anyway.
So I left for work, and walked along the riverside... my favourite. I got there and did stuff. The dynamic in that place is pretty weird, because everyone sits down and people do their thing. Problem is... I don't know what my thing is. Sure, I'm in charge of the online media and such, but there's an editor and I can not rule the place and set everything on fire. Or can I? I'm leaving in a few days anyway, HAHAHAHA. No, seriously. So nobody tells me what to do, so I just go... HECK IT, I'll do what I want and they'll decide what to do afterwards. Conclusion: I tweet and retweet things, post things on Facebook and create some content for tumblr. Those last things need the approval from the editor, obviously, who is right across my desk... but he sometimes seems so busy and focused that I don't dare to interrupt, so I keep researching and trying to find material. Who knows if it will help them in any aspect, but I keep myself busy somehow.

There's another girl doing work experience as well, like I mentioned yesterday, and we get on very well. Only difference is that she's a video editor, and she doesn't show as much iinitiative as me, I feel, so she's spent LITERALLY all day surfing the internet. She would need a little push, maybe... or just ask someone what she could do, how she can help. Anyhow, we had lunch together outsiiiiiiide, in the suuuun, [walk to Bridge of Aaaaaallan...] (the entonation for these words is pretty specific, sorry if only a few of you can get the joke) and we talked about how the staff don't try to engage with us. Nobody has asked us what we do, where we come from, how we're getting on... Which is understandable because we are leaving on Friday, but.. I don't know. I think it's odd. At the end of the day I talked a bit more to one of the guys to ask him how to embed a video on tumblr. and that was it. But hey, it's a beginning! Right?

Although there's something remarkable and that made me very happy and it was... A MEETING! YEES! I'm not joking! So everyone went to the meeting room with these spreadsheets about the plan of the design and content of the magazine for next month and people made an overview of what's done, what's left to do, what to change, what to add... That was exciting! To me, that is, not to the other girl. That's what our teachers have been talking about all year, that's the real thing! I was so happy :D

Plus, lunch was nice because I saw my firtst thistle ever! Which is the flower of Scotland, so YAY!
Una foto publicada por Paula DL (@diel05) el

Just me... being me
After work, I decided to walk to the hotel, for the sake of fitness and wellbeing. And to enjoy the weather, once again. It didn't take me very long, but I don't think I'll do it in the mornings, I'm not very active in the mornings. If you know me, you should know I'm not a morning person. Nope. Nope. NOPE. So no talking, no work-out, no exercise. All I think is about having breakfast, getting dressed and jumping on the bus. NOTHING ELSE.

When I got here and walked along the riverside AGAIN I was some envious of the people sitting outside the bars and restaurants that I decided to join. I first sat on the edge of a deck, fearing those damn giant swans, but then I went to a Spanish restaurant... that was really disappointing. All I wanted were some patatas bravas with alioli and croquetas! Sure, I had potatos with salsa brava, thta was good. But the alioli was some kind of mustard with spices... nothing, NOTHING like real alioli! And the croquetas? Aagggghhh. There was chicken in them, sure, but why add chive? WHY??? Sacrilege! And the bread crust around it? WHY SO THICK??? It's supposed to be thin and soft, just to create consistency to the mix in the inside, not to make it look like a rolled up porcupine. So glad I didn't order sangría, who knows what would be in it...

What's that yellow thing under my "croquetas"?

What's that yellow mustard thing? That's not alioli, GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT!

After that, of course, I went out for my work-out. I really can't stand running. I'm not a runner, it's a fact. I don't care what you people say, I can't like running! So I jogged for a little bit as a warm up to a bench on the other side of the riverside (yep, I love that place, in case you didn't notice...) and then did this work-out by the BodyCoach, WHO I HAVEN'T MET YET, by the way. Still waiting. I only made a few changes, like 45" instead of 30. So hpefully I will survive supercircuits when I get back on Monday :D
Also, it's a struggle for me to remain seated for almost 7h a day. It's killing me! But it was better today since I tried to keep myself busy. Getting there, getting there.

And I think that's pretty much it. Well, on my way back from the office a guy who I think had got in the water in the riverside blinked at me and said "you alright?" and I looked away so he said "So moody!!!!" but honestly, he looked like a d******* so heck it. But hey, it's something to bump my self-steem up! :p
Plus, when I got to the hotel after my fitness session WiFi did not work. BAD. So I went to the owner and she fixed it. GOOD.

I'll write some more tomorrow, unless it's just the same as today.

This was my view during dinner, it was gorgeous. We have to give them that.

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