It was cheat day as well, like every Thursday, so I had coffee and a muffin and that made me feel very good, so I was so hyper with all those things going on! And stuff to do! So happy. Also in my lunch break I could lie down on a bench and "get a tan". Which means, I could see the sun for a while, something I won't be able to do for some time.
But when I was leaving and said "see you guys tomorrow" nobody replied? what the hell, seriously? Am I that unbearable? Well, how would they know if they never talk to me? HAHAHAHA, that's ironic.
The day started beautifully when I found a flower on the ground right after walking out the hotel, by the riverside (which I love, in case you didn't notice). I don't like to get flowers as presents, it makes me sad to see them die after a few days... I like them better alive in nature. So tip: never give me flowers! But this one was, unfortunately, already cut off... So I kept it, and it's now on "my" desk.I thought it was a nice way to start off a day.
After I left, I felt very down because of that unpoliteness so untypical (or rather, unexpected) from English people. Where are your manners? I'll tell you what: Lara and I always say that Glasgow sucks, because out of 10 times we've been there, 8 was raining. But the people are always so cheerful it's almost annoying. You hear stories that make you thing that you are going to be stabbed while walking around, or some drunkard is going to smash a glass bottle of your head (yep, that's the image we get from Glasgow) but actually everyone is always in a good mood: bus drivers, they like to joke around, waitresses, retailers...People in Edinburgh are nice too, ok, but Glasgow has something else. Maybe because they are always drunk, HAHAHA. (Sorry, it was so easy I had to say it). Stirling is just average, not extremely nice but not as rude as these other people.
So next time something talks about the "English politeness" like they do in Spain, I'm going to mention a few things!
When I got the hotel, I was very down and sad. Probably hungry as well. I didn't feel like going out for my workout, but I forced myself (because I was not feeling tired, just not in the mood) but I went anyway. I started jogging in a different direction I always walk... and I ended up running for so long! Ok, it was almost 40 minutes, but that's A LOT for me! Then I sat on a bench, did some abs work and some random (creepy) guy congratulated on my good effort, so hey!AWESOME!
It's funny how exercising makes you feel a lot better and not as down anymore! I know there are scientific explantions for that, and it's because we release some hormon, but it's odd to feel it yourself. And gratifying!
So after that... IT WAS TIME TO PACK! Oh god, THAT is drama. Real drama. How I'm going to fit so many things? I know if I managed to do it on my way here, it will work out for the way back but I really had to do some tetris in the suitcase... Just procrastinating a little bit, I'll do it tomorrow. (Where's my sister when I need her? :p )
And that's all for today. I won't be able to blog tomorrow... and after that, I'm not sure if I will feel like bothering you, people, with some of my stories (I probably will) so... hopefully, write to you soon!